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Jane Somebody
Benefits of Vanity Toll Free Numbers:
Easy to Remember:
Toll Free Vanity Numbers are much easier to remember than traditional numbers. When you tie Numbers to language it has a significant impact on recall memory increasing it by as much as 90%. Business’s everywhere are starting to realize the impact of using a Toll Free Vanity Number and now are even modeling there entire business around it; ever hear of 1-800-Flowers anyone?
Toll Free literally means Business in today’s Telecommunications market, but you don’t need to be a large corporation to have one. Having a Toll Free Vanity number for your business provides an increased Branding Image, Customer Trust & a full service Professional phone system right at your fingertips!
One great thing about a Toll Free Number is that is an International Business Number and goes where you go. If your company decided to relocate to another city, or even another country your Toll Free number can go with you!
Customer Satisfaction:
Companies that utilize Toll Free Vanity Numbers have a 50% lower return rate than ones that don’t! Yes, its true companies that provide and easy to remember Toll Free Number give customers an easy gateway to resolve their issues before simply packing things up and shipping them back. I’m sure now that SMS is provided on the platform that number will be sure to increase.
Marketing Tool:
Using your Toll Free Vanity Number to market is the most practical tool you can have to increase your sales and leads in today’s ferocious competitive markets. Not only does it provide lower returns, higher leads, and more Sales it also can be set up with SMS making it the most practical tool you can use. Now your company can literally run its Call Centers via our SMS TEXT platform saving time and manpower leading to more profits and increased customer satisfaction. You can also use your Toll Free Vanity Number to do Digipon marketing and create a database of your customers that can be reached with a simple SMS TEXT. With our SMS Texting platform the possibilities are endless!